Nuestra Herencia: Sharing of Traditional Knowledge Workshops
The Nuestra Herencia Sharing of Traditional Knowledge Workshops have been cancelled for 2020 due to COVID-19 but will resume in 2021. Workshops include baking in the horno and food harvesting and preservation techniques.
4th Annual La Familia Growers Market Back to School Giveaway
We are getting ready for our 4th Annual La Familia Growers Market Back to School Giveaway scheduled for July 30. If you would like to be a Sponsor by making a financial contribution please review the forms attached to this email. We will also accept donations of school supplies.
If you have any questions please send an email to or call (505) 400-3635.
Nos estamos preparando para nuestro 4th Annual La Familia Growers Market Back to School Giveaway programado para el 30 de julio. Si desea ser patrocinador haciendo una contribución financiera, revise los formularios adjuntos a este correo electrónico. También aceptaremos donaciones de útiles escolares.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (505) 400-3635.
La Familia Growers Market
In addition to traditional cash, the market accepts WIC Farmers Market Checks, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and participates in the Double Up Food Bucks Program (DUFB).
Vendors Welcome, contact for a registration form.
Come out and support local farmers, arts-n-craft vendors, and food trucks
Workshops and other events will start in July once the public health orders are in place
Vendedores Bienvenidos, póngase en contacto con para obtener un formulario de registro. Salga y apoye a los agricultores locales, vendedores de artes y artesanías y camiones de comida.
4th Annual Chile Ristra Harvest Festival
Come and enjoy music, while learning how to make Chile Ristras, atole, red chile, bake in the horno, and other seasonal harvesting and food preservation techniques. Free and open to all community members.
3rd Annual Back to School Supplies, Food Bag, and Census Education Giveaway Delivery
Welcome to the 3rd Annual La Familia Growers Market Back to School Backpack, School Supplies, & Food Bag Giveaway! Registration is Open!
¡Bienvenidos al 3er Mercado Anual de Cultivadores de La Familia de vuelta a la mochila escolar, suministros escolares, & regalo de bolsa de alimentos! La inscripción está abierta!